dongtu7567 2018-03-28 15:50
浏览 29

Symfony FOS UserBundle:覆盖错误登陆页面

I'm overriding the forms on my Symfony app, but I surely skipped something in the process, but I do not know what.

Basically, it all works fine and looking as I want it to, but as soon as I purposely generate an error(i.e : changing email address to an invalid one), I am redirected to the lonely form template, instead of reloading to my page with the generated and displaying the problem.

I tried replacing this line :

return $this->render('@FOSUser/Profile/edit.html.twig', array(
'form' => $form->createView(),

from the ProfileController, as I think it is the reason, but I'm doing it wrong and getting errors when I try.

What would be the correct syntax to go my customized profile page that contains other forms, while displaying the errors of the submitted form ?

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  • dpwo36915 2018-03-29 13:36

    I assume you have already overridden FOSUserBundle by your own UserBundle (as explained in the official documentation). Then, you have to modify the function editAction() in your own ProfileController, and write the twig template of your UserBundle profile page (look at my last comment in the code below):

    // src/UserBundle/Controller/ProfileController.php
    namespace UserBundle\Controller;
    // use statements
    class ProfileController extends Controller
         * Edit the user.
         * @param Request $request
         * @return Response
        public function editAction(Request $request)
            $user = $this->getUser();
            if (!is_object($user) || !$user instanceof UserInterface) {
                throw new AccessDeniedException('This user does not have access to this section.');
            /** @var $dispatcher EventDispatcherInterface */
            $dispatcher = $this->get('event_dispatcher');
            $event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user, $request);
            $dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::PROFILE_EDIT_INITIALIZE, $event);
            if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
                return $event->getResponse();
            /** @var $formFactory FactoryInterface */
            $formFactory = $this->get('fos_user.profile.form.factory');
            $form = $formFactory->createForm();
            if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
                /** @var $userManager UserManagerInterface */
                $userManager = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');
                $event = new FormEvent($form, $request);
                $dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::PROFILE_EDIT_SUCCESS, $event);
                if (null === $response = $event->getResponse()) {
                    $url = $this->generateUrl('fos_user_profile_show');
                    $response = new RedirectResponse($url);
                $dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::PROFILE_EDIT_COMPLETED, new FilterUserResponseEvent($user, $request, $response));
                return $response;
            // Change the following line, with your custom profile twig template
            //return $this->render('@FOSUser/Profile/edit.html.twig', array(
            return $this->render('UserBundle:Profile:edit.html.twig', array(
                'form' => $form->createView(),
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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