I'm trying to add a manifest.json to my web app (made in php) so the users can add it to their homescreen.
Here's my manifest json:
"name": "OrganizaMeuCasamento",
"short_name": "MeuCasamento",
"theme_color": "#995a6d",
"background_color": "#000000",
"orientation": "portrait",
"display": "fullscreen",
"start_url": "https://meucasamento.organizaeventos.net",
"icons": [
"src": "logopwa.png",
"sizes": "70x70",
"type": "image/png"
"src": "icon-256x256.png",
"sizes": "256x256",
"type": "image/png"
I linked it on my index.php but on my GoogleDevTools it doesn't get recognized. What have I done wrong? It's a error on manifest.json itself or on the link on index.php
here is the link: meucasamento.organizaeventos.net