dongluan2612 2017-10-03 10:04
浏览 32


In my code users post date in content. Which is may be in different formats the format which is used in majority auto sets in MySQL date time field format i.e. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. My problem is most of them have typo mistakes or different formats which my code doesn't pick correctly and it returns date something like this 1970-01-01 05:00:00. I am in deep from this issue. Is there any function that auto corrects the date time even if there is a typo mistake in it and if time is not available it auto adds the time to it?

Here are some examples of different formats I get

30 September 2017 | 09 31 AM
29 September 2017 | 02:30 PM
27/07/2016 | 08:20 PM
19/09/2017| 01:32 PM
14-July-2017 03:31 PM
September 5 2017
April 7 2016 04:55 PM

Here is my current PHP code

$get_date = ""; //Date in text form
$show_dated = strtotime(str_replace('|', '', $get_date);
$get_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $show_dated);
echo $get_date;
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  • dongyan7876 2017-10-03 10:58

    Try using date_parse() instead of strtotime(). I did this for a while, and it functioned better. Ultimately my solution was to build a custom parser based on the confused mess of user inputs. I eyeballed 2000 entries to develop a 'gold standard' set of results, and then fine-tuned an algorithm to match until it performed 100% correctly.

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