I am trying to delete rows in my SQL database that have the same norad_cat_id
. Because the data in my database will update everyday, new rows with the same norad_cat_id
will be added. What I want to do is to delete all the rows the have the same norad_cat_id
and only leave the most recently added one. So far I have tried a few solutions from Stack Overflow (none of which worked):
$deleteDuplicates = DB::table('satellites as n1')
->join('satellites as n2', 'n1.norad_cat_id', '>', 'norad_cat_id')
->where('n1.norad_cat_id', '=', 'n2.norad_cat_id')
My database name is satellite
TL;DR: Delete rows that have the same norad_cat_id
in my database
Here is my full function:
public function displayer(){
$api = new Client([
'base_uri' => 'https://www.space-track.org',
'cookies' => true,
]); $api->post('ajaxauth/login', [
'form_params' => [
'identity' => '#',
'password' => '#',
$response = $api->get('basicspacedata/query/class/satcat/orderby/INTLDES%20desc/limit/2/metadata/false');
$data = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);
foreach ($data as $attributes) {
$attributes = array_change_key_case($attributes, CASE_LOWER);
$deleteDuplicates = DB::table('satellites as n1')
->join('satellites as n2', 'n1.created_at', '<', 'n2.created_at')
->where('n1.created_at', '=', 'n2.created_at') ->delete();
return redirect('/');
I think I need to give a clear explanation of what I am trying to achieve: My database will update automatically. What I want to be able to do is to create a row if the norad_cat_id
does not already exist in the database. If it already exists, I want it to take the row with the same norad_cat_id
, delete it and only leave the most recent row using the timestamps I have in my database. So that I have one of each norad_cat_id
I was looking at this: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/eloquent#deleting-models and https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/database#running-queries. Maybe I can use this?
EDIT 2: Can anyone shed some light on this code I wrote:
DB::select( DB::raw('DELETE n1 FROM satellites n1, satellites n2 WHERE n1.id < n2.id AND n1.norad_cat_id = n2.norad_cat_id'));
I looked at some answers and other questions and tried coming up with something.