I want to display in the admin panel statitics about users and other things in the database. For example to show how many users were registered today, this month etc. For now I am doing this with the users for today the following way:
$users = User::where('admin', 0)->get();
$usersRegisteredToday = array_filter($users->toArray(), function ($user) {
$registerDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $user['created_at']);
$today = new \DateTime();
$diff = $today->diff($registerDate);
$diffDays = (integer)$diff->format("%R%a"); // Extract days count in interval
return $diffDays == 0;
return view('admin.index', compact("users", "usersRegisteredToday"));
And in the view:
<p class="text-no">Today: {{ count($usersRegisteredToday) }} </p>
I wonder if there is a better, simpler and faster way to do this, because I think if I get the information for the other things that way it will be very slow and heavy. So i want to know the best and lightest way to do this.