dongzhiju0324 2017-01-24 18:26
浏览 39

如何从数据库阵列中检索数据设置以在Laravel 5中进行全局访问

How to retrieve global settings from database table ? I know how to create global settings in array like this: path:


return array(
        'admin_email' =>'',
        'admin_name' =>'Admin',

and in controller:

$cvalue = Config::get('settings.admin_name');

I'd like to achive the same effect but this time data receive from table settings

$data = Settings::get();

return as array and have globally acces to them.

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  • dongliangkeng1056 2017-01-24 18:38

    There are multiple ways you can accomplish this, here are two options that come to mind.

    Option 1: preload

    In a ServiceProvider boot() method (maybe your AppServiceProvider) you could easily load up all DB settings into config:

    Settings::get()->each(function($setting) {
        // Assumes the columns in your DB are 'key' and 'value'
        Config::set('settings.' . $setting->key, $setting->value);

    Now you can just grab Config::get('') globally.

    Option 2: query as-needed

    Or you could write a get() method on your Settings model that provides similar behavior:

    public static function get($key, $default = null)
        if($match = self::where('key', $key)->first()) {
            return $match->value;
        return $default;

    Now you can use Settings::get('foo') globally.

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