I am developing a REST API with BuletPHP framework. The fact is I have an angular JS app which stores locally the JWT token and sends to the server for checking expiration data. I have generated a token and I want to be rejected, but when I check the response It launches this exception:
exception 'Firebase\JWT\BeforeValidException' with message 'Cannot handle token prior to 2015-11-04T18:40:33+0100' in C:\Server\www\vendor\firebase\php-jwt\src\JWT.php:103 Stack trace: #0 C:\Server\wwwoutes\user.php(92): Firebase\JWT\JWT::decode('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Q...', 'QWRhZ2FsIFNpc3R...', Array) #1 [internal function]: Closure->{closure}(Object(Bullet\Request)) #2 C:\Server\www\vendor\vlucas\bulletphp\src\Bullet\App.php(311): call_user_func(Object(Closure), Object(Bullet\Request)) #3 C:\Server\www\vendor\vlucas\bulletphp\src\Bullet\App.php(195): Bullet\App->_runPath('GET', 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Q...')
Why I am getting this exception on token decoding function?
This is my token: