I was creating a wordpress plugin, now i got an error like
Warning: opendir(http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/): failed to open dir: not implemented in http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/FlxZipArchive.php on line 37
Warning: readdir() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/FlxZipArchive.php on line 38
and these are the files
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$folder_name = $upload_dir['baseurl'];
//Don't forget to remove the trailing slash
$the_folder =$foldername;
$zip_file_name = WP_CONTENT_DIR."/".'uploads.zip';
$za = new FlxZipArchive;
$res = $za->open($zip_file_name, ZipArchive::CREATE);
if($res === TRUE) {
$za->addDir($the_folder, basename($the_folder));
echo 'Could not create a zip archive';
* FlxZipArchive, Extends ZipArchiv.
* Add Dirs with Files and Subdirs.
* <code>
* $archive = new FlxZipArchive;
* // .....
* $archive->addDir( 'test/blub', 'blub' );
* </code>
class FlxZipArchive extends ZipArchive {
* Add a Dir with Files and Subdirs to the archive
* @param string $location Real Location
* @param string $name Name in Archive
* @author Nicolas Heimann
* @access private
public function addDir($location, $name) {
$this->addDirDo($location, $name);
} // EO addDir;
* Add Files & Dirs to archive.
* @param string $location Real Location
* @param string $name Name in Archive
* @author Nicolas Heimann
* @access private
private function addDirDo($location, $name) {
$name .= '/';
$location .= '/';
// Read all Files in Dir
$dir = opendir ($location);
while ($file = readdir($dir))
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
// Rekursiv, If dir: FlxZipArchive::addDir(), else ::File();
$do = (filetype( $location . $file) == 'dir') ? 'addDir' : 'addFile';
$this->$do($location . $file, $name . $file);
} // EO addDirDo();
Every time when executing index.php it just creating a zip file with an empty folder in it and exiting
please someone help me to fix this error