duanhui1869 2018-05-15 19:01
浏览 47

Eloquent ORM连接参数的意外var_dump

I'm in the process of reworking the database layer of a legacy PHP application utilizing Laravel's Eloquent ORM (and related packages).

On occasion, I will forget to call the get method (or other similar method which returns a collection) when working with a model. In the course of debugging, if I call var_dump on the query builder object it dumps a bunch of sensitive information such as database username / password:

//Trying to access User model, but forgot to use get method    
$test = User::where('name', 'Joe');

//Dump a Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder object with all its sensitive bits out

I'm wondering if there is some safeguard that I can put in place to prevent this information from being displayed so that on the off chance that some debugging code like this gets pushed to production I don't end up offering up my db password to users.

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  • doufan9395 2018-05-16 14:16

    You can use PHPMD with a rule like Development Code Fragment. You will want to run this every time before pushing up to production.

    Functions like var_dump(), print_r() etc. are normally only used during development and therefore such calls in production code are a good indicator that they were just forgotten.


    class SuspectCode {
        public function doSomething(array $items)
            foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
                // …
                if ('qafoo' == $item) var_dump($i);
                // …

    This rule has the following properties:

    Malformed table. Text in column margin in table line 4.

    =================================== =============== ==================================================
     Name                                Default Value   Description
    =================================== =============== ==================================================
     unwanted-functions                  var_dump,print_r,debug_zval_dump,debug_print_backtrace  Comma separated list of suspect function images.
    =================================== =============== ==================================================



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