douxian3828 2018-04-17 07:03
浏览 10

Laravel 5.6嵌套类别

I am using Laravel 5.6. I am stuck with the following. The structure of my category model is below.

id  | name              | cat_parent_id | slug
--- | ------------------| ------------- | ------------- 
1   | Parent - 1        | NULL          | parent-1 
2   | Parent - 2        | NULL          | parent-2 
3   | Child-1- P - 1    | 1             | ch-1-p-1 
4   | Child-1- P - 2    | 2             | ch-1-p-2 
5   | sCh-1-Ch-1-P- 2   | 4             | sch-1-ch-1-p-2 

To obtain children relationship I used the following method on the kblinked\Category model.

public function children()
  return $this->hasMany('kblinked\Category', 'cat_parent_id', 'id');

In my controller,

public function category(Category $category)
    $categories = $category->first()->children;

    return view('product.list', compact('categories'));

Here is my route


I am able to fetch the first children using the following code. It shows the following, when I visit the url, http://trump.localhost/parent-2

Child-1- P - 2

However, it doesn't show anything when I visit http://trump.localhost/parent-2/ch-1-p-2

It should show following, but I don't see it.

sCh-1-Ch-1-P- 2

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  • douyi6168 2018-04-21 00:02

    You have to adjust your route:


    And your controller:

    public function category(Category $category1, Category $category2 = null,
            Category $category3 = null, Category $category4 = null) {
        $category = collect(func_get_args())->filter()->last();
        $categories = $category->children;
        return view('product.list', compact('categories'));
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