dongzai5181 2018-03-22 14:08
浏览 318


I am trying to fetch the records in laravel then it will give me following error.

Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded

This is my code

$Login = DB::table('usermaster')

        ->where('Email', $uname)

        ->where('Password', md5($password))


    return response()->json($Login);
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  • doukesou4452 2018-03-23 13:35

    In my laravel query i am use a following code so it will give a this type of error...

    Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded

    $BvoData = DB::table('test1')->select('test1.*')
            ->where("test1.Id", "".$id."")
    $BvoData->temp1 = DB::table('temp1')->where('tmpdata', $BvoData->tmpdata)->get(); 
    $BvoData->temp2 = DB::table('temp2')->where('Id', $id)->get();
    return response()->json($BvoData);

    but i will solve this error by doing following code...

    $BvoData = DB::table('test1')->select('test1.*')
            ->where("test1.Id", "".$id."")
    $BvoData = (array)  $BvoData;
    $BvoData->temp1 = DB::table('temp1')->where('tmpdata', $BvoData->tmpdata)->get(); 
    $BvoData["temp1"] = json_decode(json_encode($BvoData["temp1"]), True);
    $BvoData->temp2 = DB::table('temp2')->where('Id', $id)->get();
    $BvoData["temp2"] = json_decode(json_encode($BvoData["temp2"]), True);
    return response()->json($BvoData);

    by using json_decode and json_encode i solve my problem...

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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