dpdx51205 2018-03-07 12:00
浏览 41


I am in the process of installing SimpleSAML and in the php library, there is a folder called www that has index.php. According to the docs, there is an admin console within it. However, at the moment I am unable to access it via the url www.website.com/third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php.

I am supposed to use the admin console to generate some metadata so I'm just wondering if it is possible to route to a view from there?

I'm thinking that I create a controller and just hard link $this->load->view('url to www') but I'm not sure if that works.

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  • duandao7704 2018-03-07 12:24

    In controller’s constructor add

    include APPPATH . 'third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php';

    to include the file in your project.

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