doubi1910 2017-10-04 17:46
浏览 33


I'm not sure what the correct verbiage is for this question, but here it goes.

I want to set up two web applications. One is based on golang and the other is apache/php (wordpress)

These applications will be hosted as separate google cloud platform API engines.

I would like these to be published under the same domain, so for example the main golang app URL would be and the wordpress url would be

I'm thinking I may need to setup a google VPC network. Could anyone confirm this, and/or provide better options?

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  • dskpywvki951583595 2017-10-04 18:25

    The choice of options depends on which compute system you are using:

    • Google App Engine - GAE has build in request routing which allows you to have different URLs served by different "modules" or "versions".

    • Google Compute Engine - on GCE you can use Cloud HTTP Load Balancing to do Content-Based Load Balancing to send different paths to different instance groups.

    • Google Container Engine - on GKE you can create an Ingress with fanout, to send different paths to different pods.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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