Can someone please point me in the right direction. I have downloaded a GIT project Namshi/JOSE which is a JWT signing and verification library. I have a directory structure shown below.
All my unit tests (inside the folder tests work perfectly, so the composer.json and bootstrap.php files are okay. But when I try and add my own test, in the folder myTests->simpleTest.php as below what ever I try I can't get the namespace to resolve the class SimpleJWS. The namespace for the library is Namshi/JOSE. My simple test calling code is:
use Namshi\JOSE\SimpleJWS;
//require_once ("../src/Namshi/JOSE/SimpleJWS.php");
$jws = new SimpleJWS(array(
'alg' => 'RS256'
The error text is: Fatal error: Class 'Namshi\JOSE\SimpleJWS' not found
. The psr-4 statements are as follows:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Namshi\\JOSE\\": "src/Namshi/JOSE/"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"Namshi\\JOSE\\Test\\": "tests/Namshi/JOSE/Test/"
Any help would be greatly appreciated.