I am trying to send email with code igniter with xampp server on my local machine but its not working. it shows me some errors that i searched alot on net but i am helpless now all solutions that i tried are failed for me.
below are my 3 errors:
Message: stream_socket_client(): SSL: The operation completed successfully.
Message: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto
Message: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl://smtp.gmail.com:587 (Unknown error)
this is my php code:
$config = Array(
'protocol' => 'smtp',
'smtp_host' => 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com',
'smtp_port' => '587',
'smtp_user' => 'mygmailid@gmail.com',
'smtp_pass' => 'xxxmypassword',
'mailtype' => 'html',
'starttls' => true,
'newline' => "
$message = '';
$this->load->library('email', $config);
$this->email->subject('Resume from JobsBuddy for your Job posting');
echo 'Email sent.';
on print_debugger i get this error too:
The following SMTP error was encountered: 0
Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Your email application may not support this format.
please guide me with proper solution.