is the site. As you can see that the issues are arranged in vertical list. I want to show them in a horizontal list through html/css.
The code here in the template here is
<div class="issues_archive">
{iterate from=issues item=issue}
<ul>{if $issue->getYear() != $lastYear}
<h2>{$issue->getYear()|escape} Issues</h2>
{assign var=lastYear value=$issue->getYear()}<hr>
{include file="frontend/objects/issue_summary.tpl"}
{if $issues->getPageCount() > 0}
<div class="cmp_pagination">
{page_info iterator=$issues}
{page_links anchor="issues" name="issues" iterator=$issues}
.CSS code is
ul.csv2 { display: -webkit-inline-box; text-align: center; width: auto; position: relative; }