dongzhi4073 2017-05-18 02:08
浏览 25

Symfony 3.2 Doctrine2以类的形式存储复杂查询的ORM

Kind time of the day, connoisseurs Symfony Already the third day I study Symfony 3.2 I learned to access several databases and tried a little Doctrine 2

Everything worked out. Prompt please where to me to store a library of requests to a database that I did not have to use repeated requests in various controllers.

If I do not understand explain

There is a controller for example this src / ParserBundle / EmployeesController.php

There is a:

$Repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('ParserBundle:Provider');
$Providers = $repository->findAll();

There is a class on queries to the database for example this src / ParserBundle / Entity / Provider.php

Then how to make complex queries I can read from the Doctrine 2 documentation, but where can I store them that would not duplicate? And how to access them from the main controllers - is there documentation about this?

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  • douwen1901 2017-05-18 02:14

    It's called a Doctrine repository, yes there is documentation about it of course:

    In the controller, you call it the same way as you did before. Your custom repository class will just override the default one.

    $providers = $repository->myCustomFind();

    PS: Symfony is written with a f not ph... :)

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