duanshanduo3363 2016-04-11 08:10
浏览 181

Git Post-Push hook替换build文件夹

I'm working with an AngularJS app that I am hosting on Azure as a Web App.

My repository is on Bitbucket, connected as a deployment slot. I use TortoiseGit as a Windows shell for commit/pull/push. Grunt is my task runner.

Problem: I am not managing to replace the build folder after a push has been made. This is what is being exposed on Azure (see picture):

enter image description here

What I've tried:

Currently my solution is that after a push I'm building using grunt build and connecting through FTP with FileZilla and replacing build folder manually.

How can I automate this?

Thanks in advance.

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  • dongli7236 2016-04-12 12:21

    I solved this by refactor my initial batch script that calls:

    npm install 
    bower install 
    grunt clean 
    grunt build
    winscp.com /script=azureBuildScript.txt

    and my azureBuildScript.txt:

    option batch abort
    option confirm off
    open ftps://xxx\xxx:xxx@waws-prod-db3-023.ftp.azurewebsites.windows.net/
    cd site/wwwroot
    rmdir %existingFolder%
    put %myFolder%

    This is being triggered Post-Push as a Hook job in TortoiseGit.

    It turns out ftp.exe is restricted regarding passive mode and can't interpret a session whilst WinSCP does this with ease.

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