dpzzkfb1244 2015-08-11 19:09
浏览 64

ebay API:通过PHP中的卖家ID获取所有卖家商品返回500错误

I am trying to build a method to pull all active auctions by a seller by ID. It seems like it should be a simple thing to me. Getting items by keyword is easy, and I am using the following:

public function findItems($keyword = '', $limit = 2){

$url    = $this->url . '?';
$url .= 'operation-name=findItemsByKeywords';
$url .= '&service-version=' . $this->version;
$url .= '&keywords=' . urlencode($keyword);
$url .= '&paginationInput.entriesPerPage=' . $limit;

$url .= '&security-appname='. $this->app_id;
$url .= '&response-data-format=' . $this->format;

return json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);

} // findItems()

This is part of a class building tutorial at: http://wern-ancheta.com/blog/2013/04/03/getting-started-with-ebay-finding-api/

I've tried substituting the operation name with GetSellerList and using the userID to get a specific seller's goods list, but every combination I've tried using all of the required arguments comes back with a 500 error (from eBay's servers).


This seems like it should be a very basic and simple process.

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  • duan19913 2015-08-13 09:09

    The tutorial used in the blog post is for the Finding api.

    The GetSellerList call is part of the Trading api. The trading api is much more complicated to use as it requires an XML or SOAP request.

    Once you get used to making SOAP requests it isn't that difficult to use. Here is an example of the my eBay SOAP client.

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