I am trying to build a method to pull all active auctions by a seller by ID. It seems like it should be a simple thing to me. Getting items by keyword is easy, and I am using the following:
public function findItems($keyword = '', $limit = 2){
$url = $this->url . '?';
$url .= 'operation-name=findItemsByKeywords';
$url .= '&service-version=' . $this->version;
$url .= '&keywords=' . urlencode($keyword);
$url .= '&paginationInput.entriesPerPage=' . $limit;
$url .= '&security-appname='. $this->app_id;
$url .= '&response-data-format=' . $this->format;
return json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
} // findItems()
This is part of a class building tutorial at: http://wern-ancheta.com/blog/2013/04/03/getting-started-with-ebay-finding-api/
I've tried substituting the operation name with GetSellerList
and using the userID
to get a specific seller's goods list, but every combination I've tried using all of the required arguments comes back with a 500 error (from eBay's servers).
This seems like it should be a very basic and simple process.