duanlong4890 2014-11-20 16:40
浏览 45


I am building a solution in php which requires me to accurately know the ip of the requestor. For most cases, the classic call to


works just fine.

However, I've noted that in the case where the client is making their request over a tethered connection, I get a completely different address than what google and my firewall report.

I can verify this on the client (tethered) side by searching for "my ip" on google which gives me an IP that matches what my server's firewall is reporting as well. Neither of these match what the $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] contains on the server side though.

My questions then are:

  • Why do these addresses differ in general?
  • How do I get to the ip address that my firewall and google see, specifically using php?
  • 写回答

3条回答 默认 最新

  • dtmsaqtly798322992 2015-01-28 17:51

    Huh, turns out this was being done using a javascript "feature" (what I'd think about calling a vulnerability instead) all along. Scary stuff, as it also exposes your internal IP address as well. Anyway it's something called WebRTC, that just started getting a lot of attention this week as it's been officially implemented by firefox and chrome:

    //get the IP addresses associated with an account
    function getIPs(callback){
        var ip_dups = {};
        //compatibility for firefox and chrome
        var RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection
            || window.mozRTCPeerConnection
            || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection;
        var mediaConstraints = {
            optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]
        //firefox already has a default stun server in about:config
        //    media.peerconnection.default_iceservers =
        //    [{"url": "stun:stun.services.mozilla.com"}]
        var servers = undefined;
        //add same stun server for chrome
            servers = {iceServers: [{urls: "stun:stun.services.mozilla.com"}]};
        //construct a new RTCPeerConnection
        var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(servers, mediaConstraints);
        //listen for candidate events
        pc.onicecandidate = function(ice){
            //skip non-candidate events
                //match just the IP address
                var ip_regex = /([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})/
                var ip_addr = ip_regex.exec(ice.candidate.candidate)[1];
                //remove duplicates
                if(ip_dups[ip_addr] === undefined)
                ip_dups[ip_addr] = true;
        //create a bogus data channel
        //create an offer sdp
            //trigger the stun server request
            pc.setLocalDescription(result, function(){});
        }, function(){});
    //Test: Print the IP addresses into the console

    Source: https://github.com/diafygi/webrtc-ips

    Demo: https://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/

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