dongxingji3882 2014-10-19 12:08
浏览 58


I would like to be able to display different content depending on which variable is called in the url.Ignoring the fact $slug is slug, let's say it's a post id instead so if $id is active then show just the post else if $month is active show all posts from that month elseif $month and $id = null show all. That's what I'm trying to achive


Route::get('blog/{slug}', ['as' => 'blog.slug', 'uses' => 'BlogController@getSlug']);
Route::get('blog/{month}', ['as' => 'blog.slug', 'uses' => 'BlogController@getSlug']); 



class BlogController extends BaseController {

public function BlogIndex()
     //get the posts from the database by asking the Active Record for "all"
    $blogs = Blog::all();
    $blogs = DB::table('blogs')->paginate(3);
    // and create a view which we return - note dot syntax to go into folder
    return View::make('', array('blogs' => $blogs));
public function ShowbySlug($slug)
       $blogs = Blog::where('slug', '=', $slug)->get();
// show the view with blog posts (app/views/pages/blog.blade.php)
    return View::make('')
        ->with('slug', $slug)
        ->with('blogs', $blogs);
public function ShowbyMonth($month)
       $blogs = Blog::where('month', '=', $month)->get();
// show the view with blog posts (app/views/pages/blog.blade.php)
    return View::make('')
        ->with('month', $month)
         ->with('blogs', $blogs);



   @foreach ($blogs as $blog)
    <div class="blog-outer-wrap">
    <img src="images/blog/{{ $blog->img}}"> 
     <div class="blog-header">{{ $blog->header }}</div>
    <div class="blog-text">{{ $blog->content }}</div>
    <a href="{{ URL::route('blog.slug', [$blog->slug]) }}">

    <div class="blog-outer-wrap">
    <img src="images/blog/{{ $blog->img}}"> 
     <div class="blog-header">{{ $blog->header }}</div>
    <div class="blog-text">{{ $blog->content }}</div>
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  • dongzhijing8202 2014-10-19 16:09

    You really can't do that, because you just declared the same route twice. When you say a route is blog/{slug}, slug is only a placeholder. It's exactly the same¹ as blog/{month}. All it says is: "I expect blog/ followed by anything." It doesn't matter if you call your anything slug or month. That is, the parameters do not add up.

    What you can do is, if you consider slug is always a string and month is always a number (or the name of the month²), is to apply where clauses to your route parameters, like so:

    // Route for all blog posts
    Route::get('blog', 'BlogController@showAll');
    // Route for all blog posts in a month; only numbers as parameters
    Route::get('blog/{month}', 'BlogController@showByMonth')
         ->where('month', '[0-9]+');
    // Route for all blog posts by title; anything else as parameters
    Route::get('blog/{slang}', 'BlogController@showBySlang');

    And on your controller, define three methods, one for each route:

    public function showAll() {
        $blogs = Blog::all();
        return View::make('')
                   ->with('blogs', $blogs);
    public function showByMonth($month) {
        $blogs = Blog::where('month', $month)
        return View::make('')
                   ->with('blogs', $blogs);
    public function showBySlug($slug) {
        $blogs = Blog::where('slug', $slug)
        return View::make('')
                   ->with('blogs', $blogs);

    ¹ Unless you're using some more advanced routing features, but that's not really the point here.

    ² It is doable with the where clause, but it would be ugly if you wanted to consider all upper/lower case combinations. E.g: ([Jj][Aa][Nn][Uu][Aa][Rr][Yy]|[Ff][Ee][Bb][Rr][Uu][Aa][Rr][Yy]|...)

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