I hope someone could give me some help here. I Have this XML file witch channelStatistics is one of several children from the main node
<ChannelStatistics ChannelId="DMAT" CounterDim="">
<DefectCounter ClassId="F1">62</DefectCounter>
<DefectCounter ClassId="F2">34</DefectCounter>
<DefectCounter ClassId="F3">8</DefectCounter>
<ChannelStatistics ChannelI="FERRO" CounterDim="">
<DefectCounter ClassId="F1">2</DefectCounter>
<DefectCounter ClassId="F2">5</DefectCounter>
<DefectCounter ClassId="F3">10</DefectCounter>
How do I get to the specific child (ChannelStatistics) and then get the data (ClassId="F1", ClassId="F2", ClassId="F3") for different ChannelId?
I need a result like:
DMAT - F1=62 F2=34 F3=8
FERRO - F1=2 F2=5 F3=10
How can I do it?