I am trying to populate a multidimensional array while looping through a regular array, but I am finding my code is overwriting each record as opposed to adding a new key. here is a condensed version of what i am working on - $AdjustePerWeekSorted is the regular array
$CSVKey = 0;
foreach ($AdjustedPerWeekSorted as $item) {
$data = array (
$CSVKey =>
array (
'Overall Rank' => (array_search($item,$AllAdjustedPerWeekSorted) + 1),
'Name' => $AdjustedNames[array_search($item,$AdjustedPerWeek)],
'Adjusted Positional Score' => $item,
'Position' => $AdjustedPOS[array_search($item,$AdjustedPerWeek)]
$CSVKey = $CSVKey + 1;
my thought process is this: for $AdjustedPerWeekSorted[0] -> populate $data[$CSVKey] = MultiDarray add 1 to $CSVKey loop to next record
for $AdjustedPerWeekSorted[1] -> populate $data[$CSVKey + 1] = MultiDarray and so on...
all of my post processing of this is working fine, however I am only populating the $data array with the LAST record's data in the $AdjustedPerWeekSorted array. Anybody willing to point me in the correct direction? any help would be greatly appreciated.