I have an ajax call under the jquery validate remote method. I am using Codeigniter
. My code looks like this,
rules : {
// username/email
uname : {
required : true,
email : true,
minlength : 6,
remote : {
url : "http://myhost/hmvcfolder/application/modules/modulename/modulesubfoldername/check_email.php", type : "post",
data : {
email : function () {
return $('#formid:input[name="uname"]').val();
pass : {required : true, minlength : 6}
messages : {
email : {
required : "Please enter valid email address",
minlength : $.format("Enter at least {0} characters"),
remote : $.format("{0} is already registered!")
password : {
required : "Please Provide a password",
rangelength : $.format("Enter at least {0} characters")
//on form submitting
submitHandler : function (form) { // for demo
// field messages
success : function (label) {
var name = label.attr('for');
var messages = new Array(
"Looks good!",
"You got it!",
"is Ok!"
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
label.text(name + ' ' + messages[num]).addClass("valid");
label.select(name + ' ' + messages[num]).addClass("valid");
This approach goes through and successfully returns a response. When I checked the console using firebug, the post request looks like this
POST http://myhost/hmvcfolder/application/modules/modulename/modulesubfoldername/check_email.php.
Is there a way that the POST
request URL will not look like that without changing the file directory? For instance I would like to make it look like this,
POST http://myhost/hmvcfolder/check_email.php