I'm quite new with Yii and I'm dealing with the CGridView
which is causing me troubles.
This CGridView
is in a renderPartial
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
<a href="#" class="deleteRate btn btn-danger" data-rateid="\'.$data->id.\'">Delete Rate</a>
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('ratesdeletion', '
$("#ratesProperty").on("click", ".deleteRate", function(e){
', CClientScript::POS_END);
The good part is when I click the delete button, it makes the call to "rates/delete" with the correct id, but when "rates/delete" finishes its work, somehow another AJAX call is made (that I've never coded), please check the screenshot.
So my questions are:
Why Yii is creating this second ajax call that I've never created?
How can I avoid this second ajax call?
I tried adding an anchor and then attach the ajax call in a click event and it keeps making the second call.