dsqnonh2763 2013-08-02 22:41
浏览 36


Broadly speaking, I have a 2-dimensional array of the following format:

$elements = array(  0 => array('typeA', 'desc'),
                    1 => array('typeB', 'desc'),
                    2 => array('typeA', 'desc'),
                    n => array('typeC', 'desc'));

Where typeX can be 1 of 5 possibilities, and desc can be anything. The end goal is $elements sorted such that no two elements who share a typeX are ever adjacent. Here's my function:

function fixDbls($elems) {
    $final   = array();
    $singles = array();
    $doubles = array();
    $lastelem = null;
    foreach($elems as $elem) {
        if(!$lastelem) { // set this the first time through
            $lastelem = $elem[0];
            $singles[] = $elem;
        } else { //otherwise, sort!
            if($lastelem == $elem[0]) {
                $doubles[] = $elem;
            } else {
                $singles[] = $elem;

    if ($doubles) {
            // I suspect this is where it all goes wrong, I am awful at recursion!
        $final = fixDbls(array_merge($singles, $doubles));
    } else {
        $final = $singles;

    return $final;

If anyone can help me understand why this doesn't work (not just the code, but, where I've made a false assumption or where my thinking about this problem betrayed me—helps makes this more generally useful to the public!) I'd be ever, ever so appreciative.

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  • doujia2021 2013-08-04 23:36

    I've been thinking your problem over and I think I came up with a solution. Here's the

    function print_array( $s, $a )
        echo $s.': { ';
        foreach ( $a as $k => $aa ) {
            echo $k.' => ';
            if ( is_array($aa) ) {
                echo '{ '.implode( ', ', $aa ).' }, ';
            } else {
                echo $aa.', ';
        echo '}'.PHP_EOL;
    function search_array( array $a, $k )
        $found = false;
        foreach ( $a as $kk => $aa ) {
            if ( $aa[0] == $k ) {
                $found = $kk;
        return $found;
    $input = array(  
            array('typeA', 'desc'),
                array('typeB', 'desc'),
                    array('typeA', 'desc'),
                    array('typeC', 'desc')
    print_array( 'Initial input', $input );
    $frequencies = array();
    foreach ( $input as $e ) {
        $frequencies[ $e[0] ] = array_key_exists( $e[0], $frequencies ) ? $frequencies[ $e[0] ] + 1 : 1;
    print_array( 'Frequencies', $frequencies );
    $tail = array_slice( $frequencies, 1 );
    $maxFreq = current( $frequencies ); 
    $orderedElems = array_keys( $frequencies );
    $mostFreq = current( $orderedElems );
    echo 'The most frecuent element is "'.$mostFreq.'"'.PHP_EOL;
    if ( array_sum( $tail ) < $maxFreq - 1 ) {
        die ('There\'s No possible solution'.PHP_EOL);
    $ouput = array();
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $maxFreq; $i++ ) {
        $k = search_array( $input, $mostFreq);
        $output[] = $input[ $k ];
        unset( $input[ $k ] );
    print_array( 'Input after removing "'.$mostFreq.'"', $input );
    echo '-----'.PHP_EOL;
    print_array( 'Before process, output', $output );
    foreach ( $tail as $e => $f ) {
        $i = 1;
        echo 'Elem to place: "'.$e.'" ('.$f.' times)'.PHP_EOL;
        while ( ( $k = search_array( $input, $e ) ) !== false ) {
            echo '$i: '.$i.PHP_EOL;
            $begin = array_slice( $output, 0, $i );
            print_array( 'Begin', $begin );
            $end = array_slice( $output, $i );
            print_array( 'End', $end );
            $output = array_merge( $begin, array( $input[$k] ), $end );
            print_array( 'Output', $output );
            unset( $input[$k] );
            echo PHP_EOL;
    print_array( 'Final output', $output );

    This time I just tried the example you put in the question. The end result was:

    Final output: { 0 => { typeA, desc }, 1 => { typeB, desc }, 2 => { typeC, desc }, 3 => { typeA, desc }, }

    I hope this version suits your needs.

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