dqh1992 2019-06-24 01:51
浏览 151


I working on a project where I have a products table where I upload some images (3) for a each product. I am dealing with a problem to upload the files, because in the Database is only saving the dir and not the file . With this code an images I can explain it better. I just want to upload the file and save it the path, so i can later show it in the producto layout page and others.

Here is my HTML:

<div class="col form-group">
          <label class="form-label" for="imag1_prod"><b>Imagen 1: </b></label>
          <input type="file" class="filestyle" id="imag1_prod" name="imag1_prod" alt="Imagen del Producto 1" data-btnClass="btn-primary">

I am working in a CRUD and I add the products through a Modal.



require_once ("../paginas/conexion_bd.php"); //Contiene Funcion que Conecta a la Base de Datos

// escaping, additionally removing everything that could be (html/javascript-) code
if(isset($_FILES['imag1_prod']['name'])) {

//post variables
$ident_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["ident_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$ident_cate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["ident_cate"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$nombr_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["nombr_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$desco_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["desco_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$desla_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["desla_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$preci_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["preci_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$pesoo_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["pesoo_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$taman_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["taman_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$stock_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["stock_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
$estad_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["estad_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));

//get filename
$filename = $_FILES['imag1_prod']['name'];

//rename file
$temp = explode(".", $_FILES["imag1_prod"]["name"]);
$newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp);

//set path
$target_dir = "../imagen/productos/";

//upload files in folder
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['imag1_prod']['tmp_name'], "$target_dir/$newfilename");

//rename file with directory name
$filenamedirectory = $target_dir/$newfilename;

$statu_prod = 1;

    // Registrar en la Base de Datos
$sql = "INSERT INTO tabma_prod(ident_prod, ident_cate, nombr_prod, desco_prod, desla_prod, preci_prod, pesoo_prod, taman_prod, stock_prod, estad_prod, imag1_prod, statu_prod) VALUES ('$ident_prod',(SELECT ident_cate FROM tabma_cate WHERE ident_cate = '$ident_cate'),'$nombr_prod','$desco_prod','$desla_prod','$preci_prod','$pesoo_prod','$taman_prod','$stock_prod','$estad_prod','$filenamedirectory','$statu_prod') ";

    $query = mysqli_query($con,$sql);

    // Si ha sido Agregado Exitosamentee
    if ($query) {
        $messages[] = "El producto ha sido registrado con éxito.";
    } else {
        $errors[] = "Lo sentimos, el registro falló. Por favor, regrese y vuelva a intentarlo.";

if (isset($errors)){        
    <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
                foreach ($errors as $error) {
                        echo $error;
    if (isset($messages)){
        <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
                <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
                <strong>¡Bien hecho!</strong>
                    foreach ($messages as $message) {
                            echo $message;
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(".alert").delay(2000).slideUp(200, function() {

It's designed to upload 3 images per product, but for now only one for testing.

Now, some images about how it looks and the errors:

Here the Errors that i get, dont know why undefined index if i am declaring as an

And here its what is already saving in the database:

As we can see, only saving the target_dir

Seeing this, the mistake has to be with the declaration of "imag1_prod" but i dont know why its wrong.

Hope can help me!

Best Regards to Everyone!

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  • duanchique1196 2019-06-24 04:17

    The best practice is to save only directory and product name in the database and upload file to folder for later retrieval. So kudos for using good practices.

    As you've guessed, the problem is that your app is not recognizing the variable :

    $imag1_prod=$_FILES["imag1_prod"][ "name" ];

    Because you are renaming it here :

    move_uploaded_file($_FILES["imag1_prod"][" tmp_name "]

    The other issue here is that you are forgetting to store the filename as well as the directory.

    Try this :

    if(isset($_FILES['imag1_prod']['name'])) {
    //post variables
    $ident_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["ident_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $ident_cate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["ident_cate"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $nombr_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["nombr_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $desco_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["desco_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $desla_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["desla_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $preci_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["preci_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $pesoo_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["pesoo_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $taman_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["taman_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $stock_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["stock_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    $estad_prod = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_POST["estad_prod"],ENT_QUOTES)));
    //get filename
    $filename = $_FILES['imag1_prod']['name'];
    //rename file
    $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["imag1_prod"]["name"]);
    $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp);
    //set path
    $target_dir = "../imagen/productos/";
    //upload files in folder
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['imag1_prod']['tmp_name'], "$target_dir/$newfilename");
    //rename file with directory name
    $filenamedirectory = $target_dir/$newfilename;
    $statu_prod = 1;
    // Registrar en la Base de Datos
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tabma_prod(ident_prod, ident_cate, nombr_prod, desco_prod, desla_prod, preci_prod, pesoo_prod, taman_prod, stock_prod, estad_prod, imag1_prod, statu_prod) 
    VALUES ('$ident_prod',(SELECT ident_cate FROM tabma_cate WHERE ident_cate = '$ident_cate'),'$nombr_prod','$desco_prod','$desla_prod','$preci_prod','$pesoo_prod','$taman_prod','$stock_prod','$estad_prod','$filenamedirectory','$statu_prod') ";

    Also make sure you use prepared statement to avoid SQL injections when performing database operations.

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