doumeng06063991 2018-12-04 16:14
浏览 25

symfony dql不传递函数之间连接的别名

I am trying to build a query with DQL that is split up in several functions, so I can re-use these functions again and again for different queries.

So far this worked great, until I needed to re-use an alias from a join

Let's say I have these two functions:

public function addEquipmentSubType(QueryBuilder $builder): QueryBuilder
  return $builder
    ->andWhere(est.code = :code) 
    ->leftJoin('q.equipmentSubType', 'est')
    ->setParameter('code', '123');

and then this one:

public function search(QueryBuilder $builder): QueryBuilder
  return $builder
    ->andWhere('q.projectNumber LIKE :search OR LIKE :search')

This triggers an error, saying 'est' is not defined. It seems like the only way to fix this, is to join equipmentSubtype again, but this causes the eventual query to have 2 joins with the same table.

Is there a way to pass those table aliasses from function to function so I can reuse the join?

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