doupeizheng3918 2018-08-04 12:16
浏览 30

返回并比较最高计数php mysql的值

Right, I'll be specific as possible here - I'll first outline what I need, then what I've done - I can usually plod on with these so bear in mind I'm only asking as my brain is fried!

  1. I have a table in my database - we only need to know it has these fields (gender - male or female, layout - 0 or 1)

  2. I want to find the most used layout (0 or 1) for males - I've done this by:

    $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT layout,COUNT(*) as num FROM style where gender = 'male' group by layout order by num DESC LIMIT 1" );

  3. I want to check if the returned result (so most frequent) is 0 or 1, so i can use that in an IF statement (so far i'm just using an echo to test)

I'm sorry if this if very trivial, or if i've missed anything out - if you need any extra info let me know.

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  • dpbe81245 2018-08-04 12:55

    Your code is fine for determining whether males prefer layout 0 or 1, you just need to look at the output value:

    $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT layout, COUNT(*) as num 
                                   FROM style
                                   WHERE gender = 'male' 
                                   GROUP BY layout 
                                   ORDER BY num DESC 
                                   LIMIT 1" );
    $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
    if ($row['layout'] == 0)
        echo "males prefer layout 0";
        echo "males prefer layout 1";
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