douduan9129 2019-04-22 05:40
浏览 24


So, I need to add one more line to the grouped object that I get from the database, it will tell you how much user_ref_id_ * this user has. In addition, you need to understand that the lines in the Matrix table may be several to one user_id.

My task is that I need to select all the rows from the transaction table, add their values to the amount field and group by user_id. With this, I decided the question, but the bottom line is that I also need to go to the Matrix table for each user_id, there are rows user_ref_id_1, user_ref_id_2, user_ref_id_3, user_ref_id_4.

This sample code:

            select('transactions.user_id as user_id','profile.*',
                DB::raw('SUM(amount) as total_amount'))
                ->orderBy('total_amount', 'DESC')
                ->join('profiles as profile', function ($join) {
                    $join->on('transactions.user_id', '=', 'profile.user_id');

In essence, according to the existing user_id, I need to go to the Matrix table and calculate how much user_ref_id_ * this user_id has, and it may also be that one user_id has several rows in this table. All day I break my head (((

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