I want the user to confirm if he wants to update his image. I know that I can't use sql with php inside javascript and I have tried on so many ways, but I couldn't make it work, no errors were shown, nothing happened. This code updates the image without even pressing the button. I don't have knowledge on AJAX, so it would be great an example of my code and what it means.
function rmv_foto() {
title: 'Remover foto de perfil?',
text: "Essa ação não poderá ser desfeita.",
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
cancelButtonColor: '#F54400',
confirmButtonText: 'Sim, pode remover!'
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
var rmv_foto="<?php
$delete = "UPDATE esc_usuarios_fotos SET img_local = 'images/user.png' WHERE img_usu_codigo = '" . $_SESSION['codigo'] . "'";
mysqli_query($conexao, $delete)
'Foto Removida!',
'Sua foto de perfil foi removida com sucesso.',
).then(function() {
location.href = 'perfil.php';
How can I properly use ajax to do the update just when user confirms?