duanhongxian6982 2019-05-14 22:26
浏览 935

如何在laravel中分页? 方法paginate不存在

Trying to get the latest task for each user, so if there is 100 users, I want to get only 10 to display per page but it won't work. When adding the paginate method I get the following error:

Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::paginate does not exist.

If I remove the method it all works fine, I get the results expected, I just want to paginate. This is my code:

$users = User::with('latestTask')->get()->paginate(10);
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  • dongpo5207 2019-05-14 22:31

    You can not paginate a collection

    $users = User::with('latestTask')->get();

    to paginate you should use method paginate() on Eloquent results:

    $users = User::with('latestTask')->paginate(10);

    and then in view put the link :

    {{ $users->links() }}
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