doulingna9420 2019-02-25 07:39
浏览 43


I use the php-curl-class I like to check that the login data are correct. The download area is protected with htaccess and if the login data correct the download start. If the login data not correct the download don't start, but i get the HttpStatusCode 200! Her my complette code, sorry if my description not enough, but what more should explain?

$HttpStatusCode = false;
                $curl->setBasicAuthentication(user, pw);            
                if ($curl->getHttpStatusCode() !== '401') {
                    $tmpfile = $_GET['vers'];
                    $tmppath = $_GET['path'].'/';
                    $curl->download(DOWNLOAD_PATH.$tmppath.$tmpfile, function ($instance, $tmpfile) {                       
                        $save_to_path = FS_UPDATES . basename($instance->url);
                        $fh = fopen($save_to_path, 'wb');
                        stream_copy_to_stream($tmpfile, $fh);
                } else {
                    $HttpStatusCode = true;

I get all the time HttpStatusCode 200! The download only start if the login data correct. Thats okay, but how to check the login is wrong? I would very appreciate if anyone can help me, because the examples didn't help me. Thanks in advance!!

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  • dongshuohuan5291 2019-02-26 10:52

    Okay, thanks to all for like to help. Now i find by myself the solution. ;-) It's all the time: "99.9% the bug sit in front of the computer" ;-) In this case ME!!! ;-) So here ist the solution, may be some other people need it! Now i get the "401" Status Code!

            $tmpfile = $_GET['vers'];
            $tmppath = $_GET['path'];
            $curl->setBasicAuthentication(user, pw);    
            $HttpStatusCode = true;
            if ($curl->getHttpStatusCode() !== '401') { $HttpStatusCode = false;
                    $curl->download(DOWNLOAD_PATH.$tmppath.'/'.$tmpfile, function ($instance, $tmpfile) {                       
                        $save_to_path = DIR_UPDATES . basename($instance->url);
                        $fh = fopen($save_to_path, 'wb');
                        stream_copy_to_stream($tmpfile, $fh);
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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