This is my main JSON file
"chartType" : ["column", "column", "pie"],
"chartTitle": ["Cantidad de equipos", "Cantidad de artículos consumibles","Cantidad de empleados a cargo"],
"yAxisTitle": ["Equipos", "Consumibles", "Empleados"],
"seriesName": ["conexion_equipos_basededatos_json.php", "conexion_consumibles_basededatos_json.php", "conexion_basededatos_json.php"],
"seriesData": ["conexion_equipos_basededatos_json.php", "conexion_consumibles_basededatos_json.php", "conexion_basededatos_json.php"]
That loads others PHP JSON_ENCODE files in "seriesName" and "seriesData".
These JSON results generate keys "id" and "nombre" (spanish word for name).
How read values for these keys through Angular Service $http.get of the main JSON?
**UPDATE (06/03/2016)**
I'm middle of road!
I read the JSON objects from "seriesName" array with angular.fromJson function as follow:
var deserialize = angular.FromJson(data);
var objects = deserialize.seriesName;
That's throws me an array of objects:
["conexion_equipos_basededatos_json.php", "conexion_consumibles_basededatos_json.php", "conexion_basededatos_json.php"]
Thus, how I could read the objects contained in these URL's through Angular?