ds9567 2016-04-21 16:16
浏览 40


Firstly, i'm sorry if this questions is mentioned before, but i don't find a good answer. I try to make a online quiz with images, but upload image don't work properly. After press the button to submit, questions is posted in my database, but image don't. In my database, i have one table with id column, question_id, question, type, image and name.

I don't understand exactly what happens...and i need your advice/indications.

I'm novice in php, so sorry for eventually big mistakes in my code.

Thank you in advance for help!


          if(!isset($_POST['iscorrect']) || $_POST['iscorrect'] == ""){
        echo "Sorry, important data to submit your question is missing. Please press back in your browser and try again and make sure you select a correct answer for the question.";
           if(!isset($_POST['type']) || $_POST['type'] == ""){
        echo "Sorry, there was an error parsing the form. Please press back in your browser and try again";
    $question = $_POST['desc'];
    $answer1 = $_POST['answer1'];
    $answer2 = $_POST['answer2'];
    $answer3 = $_POST['answer3'];
    $answer4 = $_POST['answer4'];
    $type = $_POST['type'];
    $type = preg_replace('/[^a-z]/', "", $type);
    $isCorrect = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z]/', "", $_POST['iscorrect']);
    $answer1 = strip_tags($answer1);
    $answer1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$answer1);
    $answer2 = strip_tags($answer2);
    $answer2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$answer2);
    $answer3 = strip_tags($answer3);
    $answer3 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$answer3);
    $answer4 = strip_tags($answer4);
    $answer4 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$answer4);
    $question = strip_tags($question);
    $question = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$question);

                        echo $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
                        $image= base64_encode($image);

             if($image == TRUE){
                $result=mysqli_query($connection, "insert into questions (name,image) values ('$name','$image')") or die(mysqli_error($connection));

    if($type == 'tf'){
    if((!$question) || (!$answer1) || (!$answer2) || (!$isCorrect)){
        echo "Sorry, All fields must be filled in to add a new question to the quiz. Please press back in your browser and try again.";
    if($type == 'mc'){
    if((!$question) || (!$answer1) || (!$answer2) || (!$answer3) || (!$answer4) || (!$isCorrect)){
        echo "Sorry, All fields must be filled in to add a new question to the quiz. Please press back in your browser and try again.";
    $sql = mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO questions (question, type) VALUES ('$question', '$type')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        $lastId = mysqli_insert_id($connection);
        mysqli_query($connection,"UPDATE questions SET question_id='$lastId' WHERE id='$lastId' LIMIT 1")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
    //// Update answers based on which is correct //////////
    if($type == 'tf'){
        if($isCorrect == "answer1"){
        $sql2 = mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer1', '1')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer2', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));;
        $msg = 'Thanks, your question has been added';
      header('location: addQuestions.php?msg='.$msg.'');
    if($isCorrect == "answer2"){
        $sql2 = mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer2', '1')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer1', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        $msg = 'Thanks, your question has been added';
      header('location: addQuestions.php?msg='.$msg.'');
    if($type == 'mc'){
        if($isCorrect == "answer1"){
        $sql2 = mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer1', '1')")or die (mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer2', '0')")or die (mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer3', '0')")or die (mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer4', '0')")or die (mysqli_error($connection));
        $msg = 'Thanks, your question has been added';
      header('location: addQuestions.php?msg='.$msg.'');
    if($isCorrect == "answer2"){
        $sql2 = mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer2', '1')")or die (mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer1', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer3', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer4', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        $msg = 'Thanks, your question has been added';
      header('location: addQuestions.php?msg='.$msg.'');
    if($isCorrect == "answer3"){
        $sql2 = mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer3', '1')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer1', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer2', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer4', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        $msg = 'Thanks, your question has been added';
      header('location: addQuestions.php?msg='.$msg.'');
    if($isCorrect == "answer4"){
        $sql2 = mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer4', '1')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer1', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer2', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT INTO answers (question_id, answer, correct) VALUES ('$lastId', '$answer3', '0')")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
        $msg = 'Thanks, your question has been added';
      header('location: addQuestions.php?msg='.$msg.'');
$msg = "";
    $msg = $_GET['msg'];
if(isset($_POST['reset']) && $_POST['reset'] != ""){
    $reset = preg_replace('/^[a-z]/', "", $_POST['reset']);
    mysqli_query($connection,"TRUNCATE TABLE questions")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
    mysqli_query($connection,"TRUNCATE TABLE answers")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
    $sql1 = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT id FROM questions LIMIT 1")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
    $sql2 = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT id FROM answers LIMIT 1")or die(mysqli_error($connection));
    $numQuestions = mysqli_num_rows($sql1);
    $numAnswers = mysqli_num_rows($sql2);
    if($numQuestions > 0 || $numAnswers > 0){
        echo "Sorry, there was a problem reseting the quiz. Please try again later.";
        echo "Thanks! The quiz has now been reset back to 0 questions.";
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Create A Quiz</title>
function showDiv(el1,el2){
    document.getElementById(el1).style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById(el2).style.display = 'none';
function resetQuiz(){
    var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
            var url = "addQuestions.php";
            var vars = 'reset=yes';
            x.open("POST", url, true);
            x.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            x.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if(x.readyState == 4 && x.status == 200) {
            document.getElementById("resetBtn").innerHTML = x.responseText;

document.getElementById("resetBtn").innerHTML = "processing...";

<style type="text/css">
    border:#333 1px solid;

   <div style="width:700px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:center;">
   <p style="color:#06F;"><?php echo $msg; ?></p>
    <h2>What type of question would you like to create?</h2>
    <button onClick="showDiv('tf', 'mc')">True/False</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<button onClick="showDiv('mc', 'tf')">Multiple Choice</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <span id="resetBtn"><button onclick="resetQuiz()">Reset quiz to zero</button></span>
  <div class="content" id="tf">
    <h3>True or false</h3>
        <form action="addQuestions.php" name="addQuestion" method="post">
    <strong>Please type your new question here</strong>
        <br />
            <textarea id="tfDesc" name="desc" style="width:400px;height:95px;"></textarea>
          <br />
        <br />
        <strong>Please select whether true or false is the correct answer</strong>
        <br />
            <input type="text" id="answer1" name="answer1" value="True" readonly>&nbsp;
              <label style="cursor:pointer; color:#06F;">
            <input type="radio" name="iscorrect" value="answer1">Correct Answer?</label>
          <br />
        <br />
            <input type="text" id="answer2" name="answer2" value="False" readonly>&nbsp;
              <label style="cursor:pointer; color:#06F;">
              <input type="radio" name="iscorrect" value="answer2">Correct Answer?
          <br />
        <br />
        <input type="hidden" value="tf" name="type">
        <input type="submit" value="Add To Quiz">
 <div class="content" id="mc">
    <h3>Multiple Choice</h3>
    <form action="addQuestions.php" name="addMcQuestion" method="post">
    <strong>Please type your new question here</strong>
        <br />
        <textarea id="mcdesc" name="desc" style="width:400px;height:95px;"></textarea>
        <br />
      <br />
    <strong>If you want to upload image, please upload here:</strong>
    <br />

            <input type="file" name="submit" />

    <br />
    <br />

    <strong>Please create the first answer for the question</strong>
        <br />
        <input type="text" id="mcanswer1" name="answer1">&nbsp;
          <label style="cursor:pointer; color:#06F;">
          <input type="radio" name="iscorrect" value="answer1">Correct Answer?
      <br />
    <br />
    <strong>Please create the second answer for the question</strong>
    <br />
        <input type="text" id="mcanswer2" name="answer2">&nbsp;
          <label style="cursor:pointer; color:#06F;">
          <input type="radio" name="iscorrect" value="answer2">Correct Answer?
      <br />
    <br />
    <strong>Please create the third answer for the question</strong>
    <br />
        <input type="text" id="mcanswer3" name="answer3">&nbsp;
          <label style="cursor:pointer; color:#06F;">
          <input type="radio" name="iscorrect" value="answer3">Correct Answer?
      <br />
    <br />
    <strong>Please create the fourth answer for the question</strong>
    <br />
        <input type="text" id="mcanswer4" name="answer4">&nbsp;
          <label style="cursor:pointer; color:#06F;">
          <input type="radio" name="iscorrect" value="answer4">Correct Answer?
      <br />
    <br />
    <input type="hidden" value="mc" name="type">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add To Quiz">
  • 写回答

3条回答 默认 最新

  • doubailian4459 2016-04-21 16:48

    From your code it looks like $image is unset. I can see you set the variable to $image= base64_encode($image); but it hasn't been set before that.

    Please make sure that the $image variable is set as it looks like you're trying to do something like this:

    $image = base64_encode(

    P.S. As mentioned before, the form must be using an enctype of multipart/form-data as shown in @73badf2...'s answer.


    I have tested this code locally and it works fine. (using a string instead of longblob.)

    $connection = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '', 'test');
    if (isset($_FILES['image'])) {
        $name = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
        $image = base64_encode(
        if (!empty($image)) {
            $result = mysqli_query($connection, "insert into questions (name,image) values ('$name','$image')");

    Have you set the permissions for the tmp folder?

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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