douhao9203 2016-08-23 07:35
浏览 19


I want to create a pdf-file with dompdf pressing a button. Without the button all work fine, but as soon as I put the working php code in a if query to execute the dompdf-code the created pdf file is defective. I am using dompdf 0.6.2 and this is my code.

<form method="post" >
    <p><input type="submit" name="mein_button" value="PDF erstellen" /></p> 
    function pdf_create($html, $filename, $paper, $orientation, $stream=TRUE) 
        $dompdf = new DOMPDF();
        $dompdf->set_paper($paper, $orientation);
    $filename = 'file_name';
    $dompdf = new DOMPDF();
    $html = '<html><body>'.
            "<h1>PDF erstellen</h1>". 
            "<p>test test test</p>".
    pdf_create($html, $filename, 'A4', 'portait');

This code creates a a defective pdf-file. If I use only the code in the if query, the pdf file is ok.

I have not learned php, so I hope somebody can help me, because I can not find a solution.

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