duanpan3166 2017-04-03 19:21
浏览 37


So I'm creating a website that allows users to view recipes for the ingredients chosen from 3 drop down menus: meat, fruit&veg and carbs. Once the user has chosen 3 ingredients from the above drop downs they should be shown a recipe page with recipes suited to these chosen.

I have all working so far: database, user selection and displaying recipe. Although I would like to add multiple recipes for certain ingredients, for example if mince, tomatoes and pasta have been selected by the user, how can i display both spaghetti bolognese and lasagne? - I need a loop to create this but unsure how. any help is greatly appreciated.

Code so far:

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require 'dbConnect.php';

$meat = $_POST['ingred1'];
$fruitveg = $_POST['ingred2'];
$carbs = $_POST['ingred3'];

$ingredientsQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT recipe.id AS temp, ingredients, meat_qty, fruitveg_qty, carbs_qty, FROM meat, fruitveg, carbs, ingredients, recipe WHERE recipe.id = ingredients.recipe_id and meat.ingredName = '$meat' and meat.meat_id = recipe.meat_id and fruitveg.fruitvegName = '$fruitveg' and fruitveg.fruitveg_id = recipe.fruitveg_id and carbs.carbName = '$carbs' and carbs.carbs_id = recipe.carbs_id");

$recipeNameQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT recipeName 
                                 FROM meat, fruitveg, carbs, recipe 
                                 WHERE meat.ingredName = '$meat' and meat.meat_id = recipe.meat_id and
                                       fruitveg.fruitvegName = '$fruitveg' and fruitveg.fruitveg_id = recipe.fruitveg_id and
                                       carbs.carbName = '$carbs' and carbs.carbs_id = recipe.carbs_id");

$recipeQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT ingredName, fruitvegName, carbName, recipeName 
                             FROM meat, fruitveg, carbs, recipe
                             WHERE meat.ingredName = '$meat' and meat.meat_id = recipe.meat_id and
                                   fruitveg.fruitvegName = '$fruitveg' and fruitveg.fruitveg_id = recipe.fruitveg_id and
                                   carbs.carbName = '$carbs' and carbs.carbs_id = recipe.carbs_id");

$instructionQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT instruction
                                 FROM meat, fruitveg, carbs, instruction, recipe
                                 WHERE recipe.id = instruction.recipe_id and
                                 meat.ingredName = '$meat' and meat.meat_id = recipe.meat_id and
                                 fruitveg.fruitvegName = '$fruitveg' and fruitveg.fruitveg_id = recipe.fruitveg_id and
                                 carbs.carbName = '$carbs' and carbs.carbs_id = recipe.carbs_id");

$photoQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT photo, ingredName, fruitvegName, carbName
                            FROM meat, fruitveg, carbs, recipe
                            WHERE meat.ingredName = '$meat' and meat.meat_id = recipe.meat_id and
                                   fruitveg.fruitvegName = '$fruitveg' and fruitveg.fruitveg_id = recipe.fruitveg_id and
                                   carbs.carbName = '$carbs' and carbs.carbs_id = recipe.carbs_id");

while  ($meat = $_POST['ingred1'] && $fruitveg = $_POST['ingred2'] && $carbs = $_POST['ingred3']) {
  if ($recipeName = $recipeNameQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) 
    <h3><b><?php echo $recipeName['recipeName'];} ?></b></h3><br>
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                        if ($photo = $photoQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
                            echo $photo['photo'];}?>" alt="">

<div class="col-md-4">
    <h3><u>Recipe Ingredients</u></h3>      
        <option value="<?php echo $ingredients['id'];?>"></option>
                <li><b><?php echo $_POST["ingred1"]; ?></li>
                <li><?php echo $_POST["ingred2"]; ?></li>
                <li><?php echo $_POST["ingred3"]; ?></li></b>
                while ($ingredients = $ingredientsQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {?>
                    <?php if ($ingredients['temp'] == ['ingredients.recipe_id']){?>
                <li><?php echo $ingredients['temp'];
                echo $ingredients['ingredients']; ?></li><?php } }?>
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<div class="row">
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        <h3 class="page-header">Instructions</h3>
            while ($instruction = $instructionQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                <ul style="list-style-type:square"><li> <?php echo $instruction['instruction']; ?><br><br></li></ul>
            <?php }
}               ?>
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