I've built "core" class that loads another classes, and I want to load automatically all the classes in spesific folder named "class", I've started to build something, but I have no idea if it's good.
In the construct function at the core class, I'm getting an array with the class names to load.
The construct function calls to function named _loadClasses, and in the _loadClasses function,
I'm loading the classes by using require_once() fucntion.
Then at the top of the page, i'm adding public variable with the name of the class.
For example, "public $example;"
Now, what left is to create the ocject of the class, so that's what I did.
Example of the _loadClasses method:
self::$user = new User();
Here comes the "automat" part.
I want the function _loadClasses to get an array, for example:
private function _loadClasses( $classesToLoad = array('security', 'is') );
and now, I'm using glob to load the classes from the folder "class", the name syntax of the classes files in the folder "class" is classname.class.php.
$classesArray = array(); // initialize the variable of all the web classes
$classesFiles = glob("class/*.php"); // gets all the web classes from the folder 'class'
foreach($classesFiles as $file) { // loop on the classes in the folder 'class'
$filename = explode('class/', $file);
$filename = $filename[1];
$className = explode('.class.php', $filename);
$className = $className[0];
if($className != 'index.php' || $className != 'database') {
array_push( $classesArray, $className ); // adds the class name into the array 'classesArray'
foreach( $classesArray as $className ) {
if( in_array($className, $classesToLoad) ) {
$classLines = file( "class/$className.class.php" );
$classNameLine = $classLines[1];
$classNameLine = explode(' ', $classNameLine);
$classObjectName = $classNameLine[1];
$classObjectName = explode(" ", $classObjectName);
self::$$classObjectName = new $classObjectName();
I need something like that, of curse it doesn't work, it's just to show you what I wanna do with an example.
Thanks in advance.