doufang8965 2016-08-11 06:35
浏览 63


I want to find and replace the whole line including adding new text in PHP using sed command in Linux. I tried below, but it does not work for variable but it works when I manually pass.

Example (This is Working):

$var = exec("sed -i '/Tom/c Tom Rick' t1.conf"); 

Example (This is not working):

$var1 = "Tom";
$var2 = "Rick";

$var = exec("sed -i '/$var1/c $var1 $var2' t1.conf");

I tried with double quote, but still no luck. Can someone please help me to resolve this problem.

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  • dongtan2017 2016-08-11 06:59

    Maybe you should extract variables out of your string so as to make sure the '$' is not treated as a character ?

    $var = exec("sed -i '/".$var1."/c ".$var1." ".$var2".' t1.conf");
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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