I saw this post (The difference between an Eloquent Model and a Model?) but it doesn't explicitly answer the question for me.
I may not be using the right terminology here...
I understand Eloquent to be "...an ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database..." as it says in the documentation. But is what is not clear to me is difference between these eloquent models, and models as one refers to them in the MVC sense.
Does it sound logical if I was to say that in a particular laravel application
- there will be many models, some of which are Eloquent models, and some of which are models in the MVC sense.
- Eloquent models are quite lean and pure classes, allowing interaction with the database layer.
- MVC models, by comparison may contain all sorts of business rules & logic
- Both types are easily created by
php artisan make:model
although with an Eloquent model one might want to create the migration at the same time. - All models are stored in the same place, unless otherwise organised. It's not as if there is some externally visible location or naming convention to indicate that this is an Eloquent Model, or a MVC model.
...is that about right?