douqian8238 2016-04-24 01:59
浏览 24


i have a posttype to which i have a page templates assigned using plugin custom posttype page template, so that my posts having img attachments in the posttype are displayed using a particular template. In my header.php i have code

if ( is_page_template ( 'page-book.php' ) )
                { $currenturl=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                  $booktitle = str_replace("", "", $currenturl);
                  $booktitle = str_replace("-", " ", $booktitle);
                  $booktitle = strtoupper($booktitle);
                  echo $booktitle;

but it echoes the url of the post in the title instead of the custom echo

how do i get it to echo the custom title

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  • dongpiao8821 2016-04-24 03:16

    This line $currenturl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; of your code only return string that is part of the URL.

    For example, the given url it return /books/title and when you try to replace it with an empty string nothing is replace because str_replace function doesn't find a match.

    For you to get the trailing part of the url, you can use basename

    For example

    echo basename($currenturl);

    It will return the last part of the url and that is


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