dqc22586 2016-03-23 00:49
浏览 11


This is what I tried so far,when I click on button 1 it downloads some.txt. When I click on button 2 the same thing happens instead of downloading blue.txt i get some.txt again. In my table when the user clicks on button 2 they should be able to download the blue.txt file only.

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
include 'connection/connection.php';
if(isset($_SESSION["id"])) {

$username = $_SESSION['username'];
$result = $con->query("select * from my_table where UserName='$username'");
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();

$log = $row['LoggedIn'];

if($log=='') {
    $id = $_SESSION["id"];
    $time = Now();
    $insert = $con->query("INSERT INTO my_table (LoggedIn) Values($time) WHERE id = '$id'");

    $id = $_SESSION["id"];
    $update = $con->query("UPDATE my_table SET LoggedIn = Now() WHERE id = '$id'");

/* need to add this later
    header('Location: LogIn.php');
} */


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Welcome! <?php echo $row['UserName']; ?>. You are logged in. Your UserID is <?php echo $row['id'];?>
<div class="container">
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
        <th style="text-align:center;">FileID</th>
        <th style="text-align:center;">FileName</th>
        <th style="text-align:center;">Download File</th>

$res = $con->query("select * from File_Table");
while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
        <td><?php echo $row['FileID']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row['FileName']; ?></td>
        <form action="user.php" method="post">
        <input type="submit" name="Download" id="<?php echo $row['FileID'];?>" value="<?php echo $row['FileID'];?>">
        $file_row = $row['FileID']; echo $file_row; $file_name = $row['FileName']; echo $file_name;
    $results = $con->query("select * from File_Table where FileID = '$file_row'");
if($rows = $results->fetch_assoc()){
    $uploading = $rows['FileName'];
    echo $uploading;
    $file = 'docs_uploaded/'. $uploading;
if (file_exists($file)) {
    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"');
    header('Expires: 0');
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
    header('Pragma: public');
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
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  • dongshushen4392 2016-03-23 01:03

    You need put links or another script to download that files, the headers are send one time when your page is loaded for the browser.

    <form action="download.php" method="post" >
        <input type="submit" name="fileID" id="fileID" value="<?php echo $row['FileID']; ?>">


    //You need validate if your user user is logged on
    if (isset($_POST['fileID']) && isset($_SESSION["id"])) {
        //Filter only int for avoid SQL injection or changed for prepared
        $iFile = filter_var($_POST['fileID'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
        $results = $con->query("select * from File_Table where FileID = '$iFile'");
        if ($rows = $results->fetch_assoc()) {
            $uploading = $rows['FileName'];
            echo $uploading;
            $file = 'docs_uploaded/' . $uploading;
            if (file_exists($file)) {
                header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
                header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
                header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($file) . '"');
                header('Expires: 0');
                header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
                header('Pragma: public');
                header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));



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