普通网友 2015-12-12 19:47
浏览 53


I was creating php code to convert the below json to csv

    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [DESC] => bla bal bal
                    [SOLD] => 0
                    [contact_no] => 1234
                    [title] =>  Hiiiii
                    [price] => 10900
                    [big_image] => Array
                            [0] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/14.jpg
                            [1] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/15.jpg

                    [small_image] => Array
                            [0] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/small/14.jpg
                            [1] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/small/15.jpg

                    [tpe] => user

            [1] => Array
                    [DESC] => fo fo fof ofof
                    [SOLD] => 0
                    [contact_no] => 234522
                    [title] => Hellooooo sddf
                    [price] => 0
                    [big_image] => Array
                            [0] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/154.jpg
                            [1] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/144.jpg
                            [2] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/147.jpg

                    [small_image] => Array
                            [0] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/small/154.jpg
                            [1] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/small/144.jpg
                            [2] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/small/147.jpg

                    [tpe] => user


    [pis] => 3
    [totals] => 23
    [curpage] => 1
    [total_ads] => 71

I've been using the below code to export it to .csv

$fp = fopen("output.csv","w");

foreach ($json['data'] as $fields) {
fputcsv($fp, $fields);


I can convert it fine, but I face a small issue that the sub array which is big_image & small_image is NOT appearing in the output file .csv (the row is empty)

       [big_image] => Array
                            [0] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/154.jpg
                            [1] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/144.jpg
                            [2] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/147.jpg

                    [small_image] => Array
                            [0] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/small/154.jpg
                            [1] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/small/144.jpg
                            [2] => http://example.com/images/user_adv/small/147.jpg

By the way, if I replace:

foreach ($json['data'] as $fields) {


foreach ($json['data'][0] as $fields) {

I get the link pictures as output, so I need to merge them as one output

  foreach ($json['data'] as $fields) {
  foreach ($json['data'][0] as $fields2) {

edit :

here the output 1

edit 2 :

i expect the output something like that


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  • doure5236 2015-12-12 20:27

    You could make a function to make sure those nested arrays are made flat. You can create a utility function for that, like this:

    function array_flatten ($nonFlat) {
        $flat = array();
        foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
                new RecursiveArrayIterator($nonFlat)) as $k=>$v) {
            $flat[$k] = $v;
        return $flat;

    And call it like this:

    $fp = fopen("output.csv","w");
    foreach ($json['data'] as $fields) {
        fputcsv($fp, array_flatten($fields));
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