dpdjv9559 2015-09-25 11:08
浏览 75


I have integrated Paypal Express checkout in one of the website and I want to change the Pay option text into image with radio button like:

Please help me.

Thanks in advance

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  • doushi1964 2015-10-28 15:57

    here are some answers for you.

    Referencing Comment:

    1. Question: Is possible to customize Paypal Checkout page?.
      Answer: Yes, you can customize/change (checkout page)the business name to a custom logo on the PayPal checkout page- that is all; please look here for a walk-through on how to do that
    2. Question: I mean I need to change the text("Pay with my PayPal account" and "Pay with a debit or credit card") into paypal image(i.e I am giving the above URL)
      Answer: You don't necessarily have to do it that way, as there is not a wrong way, right way or required way; however PayPal does recommend a specific checkout display. If the only payment method is PayPal you could use this code that references PayPal and all major credit cards in one image.Here is what it looks like - http://prntscr.com/8wbh1t or you can try and grab it Here
    3. Example:
      Pay with PayPal Credit or any major credit card



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