im using yii1 on my application. i want to convert from cActivedataProvider to array
this is the code
$dataSS = new CActiveDataProvider('category', array(
'criteria' => array(
'condition' => 'menu=:menu',
'params' => array(':menu' => $menu),
'pagination' => false
$dataMenu = array();
foreach ($dataSS->getData() as $record) {
$dataMenu[] = array(
'label' => $record->name,
'url' => '#',
this is the result :
Array (
[0] => Array ( [label] => Food and Drink [url] => # )
[1] => Array ( [label] => Sleman [url] => # )
the result that i expected :
Array (
Array ( 'label' => 'Food and Drink', 'url' => '#' ) ,
Array ( 'label' => 'Sleman', 'url' => '#' ) ,
any suggestion?