dongqing904999 2015-06-04 14:52
浏览 21


I am working on an e-commerce project and I would like to set up 2 dropdown lists linked in ajax. The first list contains the products and the second one contains the quantity of each product.

There is a problem when a user selects a product and then a quantity, and, in the same time another user selects a product and then a quantity => the quantities are not correct. I will try to explain what I mean.

Imagine a first product named "A" with 2 quantities. A first user choses this product and selects 1 quantity. there is one quantity left for this product. At this same very moment, if another user selects the same product, the quantities show "2" ! It is difficult to explain but I wonder if a timeout function should fix this.

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  • dongteng2534 2015-06-04 15:16

    You could use setTimeout to update the quantity drop down items every so often based on the product the user has currently selected however I think this a bit overkill.

    You would also have to set and store on the server the quantity values every time the user changed their selection.

    It is do-able but I would just re-validate the quantity the user has selected is still available once they submit the form.




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