I'm adapting some hMailServer code I found to MS Outlook vba. The source code is at https://www.hmailserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2960
I have tested this code in hMailServer and with Thunderbird and have it working. However, in deployment I expect I won't have access to an hMailServer, and the mail client is likely to be MS Outlook.
In the source code the author references "oMessage" but, duh, I can't determine what object "oMessage" is supposed to be, and in my adaptation causes an error in the command line string where the error is of course, "object required". Up to that point my vba script is working ok. Since the thread at hMailServer is several years old, I don't expect to get a reply on a question I posted there.
Here is the original source code:
Const g_sPHPPath = "C:\path\to\php.exe"
Const g_sScriptPath = "C:\path\to\script.php"
Const g_sPipeAddress = "something@yourdomain.com"
Sub OnDeliverMessage(oMessage)
If g_sPipeAddress = "" Then
bPipeMessage = True
bPipeMessage = False
Set obRecipients = oMessage.Recipients
For i = 0 to obRecipients.Count - 1
Set obRecipient = obRecipients.Item(i)
If LCase(obRecipient.Address) = LCase(g_sPipeAddress) Then
bPipeMessage = True
End If
End If
If bPipeMessage Then
sCommandLine = "cmd /c type " & g_sDQ & oMessage.Filename & g_sDQ & " | " & g_sDQ & g_sPHPPath & g_sDQ & " " & g_sDQ & g_sScriptPath & g_sDQ
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Call oShell.Run(sCommandLine, 0, TRUE)
End If
End Sub
And here is my adaptation:
Const g_sPHPPath = "C:\xampp\php\php.exe"
Const g_sScriptPath = "C:\xampp\htdocs\Recycler\test.php"
Const g_sPipeAddress = "someAddress@mail.net"
Const g_sDQ = """"
Sub OnDeliverMessage(oMessage)
Dim Explorer As Outlook.Explorer
Dim CurrentItem As Object
Set Explorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
If Explorer.Selection.Count Then
Set CurrentItem = Explorer.Selection(1)
End If
If CurrentItem.Class = olMail Then
Dim sender
sender = CurrentItem.SenderEmailAddress
End If
If g_sPipeAddress = "" Then
bPipeMessage = True
If LCase(sender) = LCase(g_sPipeAddress) Then
bPipeMessage = True
End If
End If
If bPipeMessage Then
sCommandLine = "cmd /c type " & g_sDQ & oMessage.FileName & g_sDQ & " | " & g_sDQ & g_sPHPPath & g_sDQ & " " & g_sDQ & g_sScriptPath & g_sDQ
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Call oShell.Run(sCommandLine, 0, True)
End If
End Sub
So, can anyone tell me what object oMessage would equate to in the Outlook model? In the cmd string, what should I be looking for in "oMessage.FileName" ?