I want to run this query on CodeIgniter
select * from connections where (first_user=$u_id and second_user=$id) OR (first_user=$id and second_user=$u_id)
Controller I written for creating above code as follows
$where = array('first_user' => $this->session->userdata('u_id') , 'second_user'=> $this->uri->segment(4));
$or_where = array('first_user' => $this->uri->segment(4) , 'second_user'=> $this->session->userdata('u_id'));
$data['friendship']=$this->user_model->get_sql_select_data_or_where('connections', $where, $or_where, NULL, '1');
and the function get_sql_select_data_or_where is as follows
public function get_sql_select_data_or_where($tablename, $where = '', $or_where = '', $feild = '', $limit = '', $order_by = '', $like = '') {
if (!empty($feild))
if (empty($feild))
if (!empty($where))
if (!empty($or_where))
if (!empty($limit))
if (!empty($like))
if (!empty($order_by))
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
But when I print the query ,the result is as below
SELECT * FROM (`connections`) WHERE `first_user` = '28' AND `second_user` = '20' OR `first_user` = '20' OR `second_user` = '28' LIMIT 1
Where I expected AND condition instead of second OR. What could possibly go wrong?