doushu2699 2015-07-08 12:41
浏览 31


As you can imagine I want to use remote method to avoid username and email recurrences. In the documentation, they use a php file which does the same thing a controller in mvc pattern.

Here is my problem; do I have to create another php page to do that(can't I do that with my existing controller) Either way, I get a 404 - Not found or 500 - Internal server error.

$( "#myform" ).validate({
    rules: {
       email: {
           required: true,
           email: true,
           remote: "check-email.php" --> this file is what I mentioned about

and this is how I'm trying to do

        required: true,
        minlength: 6,
        maxlength: 16,
        remote: {
           url: "user/validate", ---> controller/method
           type: "post"

I tried to create a php file, get the username and post it to controller manually, but I got a 404 - Not found error again.


Using "" or "method" for the url is reaching the same method. I don't get 404 error when I use them but I got 505 error.


public function validate(){
    $uName = $this->input->post('uName');
    $isUNameCount = $this->user_model->isVarExists($uName);
    if($isUNameCount > 0){
        return json_encode(false);


public function isVarExists($var){
    $query = $this->db
        ->where('user_name', $var)
    return $query;

Please tell me if I do it wrong.


As always, the problem was somewhere else. The select in the query was getting wrong column name and the method validate in the controller needed to echo something instead of returning it.

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