I'm trying to learn how to upload by using Wamp server.. But unsure is it the settings or my code.
Please enlighten me.
<title>File Uploading Form</title>
<h3>File Upload:</h3>
Select a file to upload: <br />
<form action="http://localhost/testing/php/file_uploader.php" method="post"
<input type="file" name="file" size="50" />
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Upload File" />
The uploader.php
if( $_FILES['file']['name'] != "" )
copy( $_FILES['file']['name'], "C:\wamp\www\beta\images" ) or
die( "Could not copy file!");
die("No file specified!");
<title>Uploading Complete</title>
<h2>Uploaded File Info:</h2>
<li>Sent file: <?php echo $_FILES['file']['name']; ?>
<li>File size: <?php echo $_FILES['file']['size']; ?> bytes
<li>File type: <?php echo $_FILES['file']['type']; ?>
The error i've received is ,
Warning: copy(bannerbelow.JPG): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\beta\admin\php\file_uploader.php on line 4